Green Mile ( 8 June 2008)

The Green Mile is a participative activity that seeks to allow everyone to do their part for the environment, by participating in a walk that highlights the benefits that walking can bring to our lifestyles and the environment.

Conservation IG is proud to be a supporter for the Re-Live 2008!

here are some pictures :)

special thanks to Meryl for the lovely pictures :))

Green race @ Admiralty Park ( Part of Our Conservation Month Efforts!)

A treasure hunt is to allow RP students to learn and appreciate plants found in Admiralty park through fun activities like an amazing race and treasure hunt. Students form teams to participate and have to find clues from the plants’ identity and have to learn to recognize the plants and their uses to finish the treasure hunt.
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Waste to wow competition 18 July 08 ( Part Of Our Conservation Month efforts!)

“Waste to Wow”: participants will make use of recyclable materials to create something innovative. A short product description will also be submitted to relate the product to “conservation”. These products will be displayed in our library to raise awareness on the importance of recycling and creative ways to recycle. To encourage more submission of quality “Waste to Wow” products, this event is designed as a competition where the products will be judged on the artistic and functional value.
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Recycling Challenge 31 July 08 ( PartOf Our Conservation Month Efforts!)

The recycling challenge (preliminary round and finals) is a competition organised for RP staff and students compete against time (1min) to sort out the 40 items given to them into The top 3 teams which sort the fastest and most accurately will walk away with attractive prizes!!!
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Lights out competition Aug 08 (Part Of Our Conservation Month in RP)

In an attempt to promote the message of energy conservation, RP has been advocating a lights out day on the last Thursdays of every month. For conservation month, we are having a inter class competition for the whole of July for the class which supports the lights out movement. Participants are to switch off the lights when they don’t need it during the break outs and if their classes are near the windows. There will be judging criterias to adhere by and a judging panel will do regular surveys to determine the winning classes.
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Eco Flea Market (July) Conservation Month

As part of our 6th annual conservation month in July, we are organizing an Eco Flea Market for our staff and students. Based on a planet saving concept with the key objective of waste minimization, this event aims to galvanize the efforts of RP staff and students to contribute items which are of no use to them and too “good” to throw away. We are encouraging people to contribute items that are almost brand new and in good working condition, so that others can have a chance to own those items.

The items that are collected over a one month period are then put up at an Eco Flea market where fellow RP staff and students are welcome to take items which may be of good use to them. We wish to share the message of “passing it on”; exchanging unwanted items for things which are needed. This way we can minimize having to purchase new items and at the same time make maximize the potential of “unwanted” items instead of having to throw them away.
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Listen up!!! Exciting Events coming up in july!!!

Events happening during RP’s 6th Conservation Month in JULY- an annual event by Conservation IG

1. Eco flea market

2. Recycling challenge

3. Lights out day competition

4. Green Hike@ Admiralty Park- the Green Amazing race (

5. Waste to wow exhibits

6. Eco fashion Show

Go Green & win attractive prizes! Look out for our email blasters!