SLA 2011

The annual "Student Life Activity(SLA)" is back again.

This year we have Joan Peh and Tan Siew Tang to help design our Conservation IG booth and gift, Lim Yuan Yi to design the bookmark and photo album, and Yeo Chee Hiong to make our SLA Video.

SLA Booth

Our designers have put in a lot of effort to complete this master piece. Even though, our booth design was simple, it has lots of tone and shading to brings out the vibrant colours of our nature.
(We also make a point to conserve our resources by keeping the designs after using and used blue tag instead of scotch tape, so that we can reuse the materials)

Photo Album

Photo Album designed by Lim Yuan Yi

This year we had a new idea to showcase our IG , that is to have a photo album which shows our IG's past year events. This photo album will serve to preserve the memories of each generation of Conservation IG activities and members.
Having so many events, it is a difficult task to consolidate and put it in the photo album when we are racing against the time. Even though we did not manage to put over hundreds photo inside it, our designer have made the effort to design the pages before putting the photos in.


The Bookmark idea was raised by Amy Choong (our Advisor) and improved by Lim Yuan Yi.
The design of bookmarks include environmental quotes, address of our IG blog and printed background.


Tan Siew Tang and Joan Peh have came up with the idea of having seeds in a used plastic cup and gift it to people whose willing to join our IG. The plastic cup and seed were placed within a bag made from magazine and gifted it to people whose wiling to join our IG. The idea of this gift is to allow us to see and appreciate whatever we have.(Everything around us has potential to be refused or recycled)

Our Crew

Thanks to all our IG members, this year we managed to get over 60 people to join. This means that there are still a lot of nature-lovers in RP, and they are willing to make a difference to improve our environment.

"To find joy in work is to discover a new fountain of youth" - Pearl S. Buck

Upcoming activities

TICE ECO-Camp – Sep to Oct
International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS) - Sep
Eco-Flea Market (EFM) – Nov to Dec
Conservation Week – Last week of June

Let’s All Start Making a Difference Today...
For a Better World Tomorrow!

IG outing during holiday

To facilitate bonding within the IG, we went on a bird monioring trip at Tampines Park, with a guide from NParks leading us on the trail, and teaching us about various parts of nature.

Although it's tire, but we all have an excited trip ~

“Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.

~Motto of the Baltimore Grotto, a caving society