Philips "Future Living Spaces in Singapore" Student Contest

There is an ongoing contest by Philips. Do take some time to participate in this contest.

Students are to imagine the future and propose ideas to make a difference in improving the living spaces, health and well-being of people in Singapore.

The areas of the contest are: the issues of aging population, increasing urbanization, crowded cities or climate change.

The deadline for the submission is 19 September 2011. More information of this student contest can be found at:

Eco-Flea Market

RP’s Eco Flea Market is back!

Many of us are very fortunate, and are able to afford stuffs like nice clothes, iPods, MacBooks, story books etc . Even though we are able to afford all this, we mustn't forget that there are people who unable to afford the things which has become necessities to us.

Parents always think of their child's wants, before their own, and wish to provide the best for their child. However, due to financial issues, it isn't always possible for them to fulfill their children's desires. If we are able to help them and contribute to helping our environment, why not?

Internal Collection is from now till 31st August 2011 @ Republic Polytechnic Collection Point

The items collected will be given to low income families, followed by RP staff and students. ( The rest of it will be given to the Salvation Army, or are recycled)

Home Collection Service (for more than 10 NTUC plastic bags of contributions) - sign up by 31st August (Wednesday)

For RP staff and students to sign up:

For Public to sign up:

Please help to forward this email to your friends, family or contacts to see if they would like to contribute as well and support this meaningful cause!