Eco Flea Market
“Eco Flea Market… is the time to give your items that you have no use for, a chance for a new lease of life!
You will be doing a great favour to the needy families and to our environment as these collected items will be collected by the needy families and / or donated to charity organizations during this event.
Please rest assure that this event will not involve any form of selling.
A series of collections will be carried out and in the following methods:
Method One: To deposit at our Collection Booth every Friday (4, 11, 18 & 25th July @ 12:15 – 1:15pm / 4:30 – 5:30pm)
Method Two: To deposit at SAS Office (E1, Level 7) Anytime (Just knock on our door and ask for Rachel/Temp Staffs)
Method Three**: Happening on 12 July (Sat), a team will be despatched around Singapore to your homes to collect your items.For those who have signed up, we shall contact you really soon, so look out for our email :) See you all soon, registration is now closed.
For Bulky items, please take a photo of it, we will help you to advertise on out website, and the people interested shall be contacting you directly. We will not be responsible for future communications. :)
Event Jointly Organised with NorthWest CDC
You will be doing a great favour to the needy families and to our environment as these collected items will be collected by the needy families and / or donated to charity organizations during this event.
Please rest assure that this event will not involve any form of selling.
A series of collections will be carried out and in the following methods:
Method One: To deposit at our Collection Booth every Friday (4, 11, 18 & 25th July @ 12:15 – 1:15pm / 4:30 – 5:30pm)
Method Two: To deposit at SAS Office (E1, Level 7) Anytime (Just knock on our door and ask for Rachel/Temp Staffs)
Method Three**: Happening on 12 July (Sat), a team will be despatched around Singapore to your homes to collect your items.For those who have signed up, we shall contact you really soon, so look out for our email :) See you all soon, registration is now closed.
For Bulky items, please take a photo of it, we will help you to advertise on out website, and the people interested shall be contacting you directly. We will not be responsible for future communications. :)
Event Jointly Organised with NorthWest CDC
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