Bayer International Youth Environmental Programs

Ever thought of conservation ideas that you think are brilliant but have no clue where to realise it? Hear from our very own RP Conservation IG students how their participation in two separate Bayer international youth environmental programs has transformed them. Mr Jasper Soh (final year DENV student, SAS- President, Conservation IG 08/09) was one of the Bayer Young Environmental Envoys. He will share with you his experience from the week-long program in Germany. Ms Jackeline Tay (final year DMTS student, SAS –Publicity Manager, Conservation IG 08/09) was one of the Singapore representatives in the Eco-Minds Youth Forum. She will share with you her experience from the program in New Zealand. Other Conservation IG students will also share with you what is in store for you during the Annual Conservation Month held in August 2009.


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