Job available at Tropical Marine Science Institude

Any graduates or IG graduates that would like to get a job on St. John’s island? The job position available would be laboratory officer at Tropical Marine Science Institude (TMSI). More information can be found at
You would need to start the job in January 2012.  Seniors that has graduated from DENV are welcomed to apply for the job too.

Internation Coastal Cleanup 2011

On 17th September, we had our yearly participations in International Coastal Cleanup Singapore(ICCS), at the Lim Chu Kang mangrove swamp. This time with new members joining us for ICCS.

Our Conservation IG members sacrificed one of their Saturdays morning to participate in International Coastal Cleanup where they help to make a difference to their environment and the habitats of the wildlife.

Debris from our waste such as styroform, oil drums, fish nets could lead to entanglement in marine life and also causing them to mistake our waste as food.

Weighing the trash collected

Not giving up to remove the huge tire
Huge thanks to everyone in helping to remove the debris from the mangrove.

Though there are not many barrels remove this year, but we still managed to remove 206.5 kg worth of trash. The amount of rubbish that was removed by volunteers in Singapore at each location can be view at Well done everyone in helping to protect our shoreline. Do join us next year for ICCS and help make our shoreline a cleaner place for eveyone.

Philips "Future Living Spaces in Singapore" Student Contest

There is an ongoing contest by Philips. Do take some time to participate in this contest.

Students are to imagine the future and propose ideas to make a difference in improving the living spaces, health and well-being of people in Singapore.

The areas of the contest are: the issues of aging population, increasing urbanization, crowded cities or climate change.

The deadline for the submission is 19 September 2011. More information of this student contest can be found at:

Eco-Flea Market

RP’s Eco Flea Market is back!

Many of us are very fortunate, and are able to afford stuffs like nice clothes, iPods, MacBooks, story books etc . Even though we are able to afford all this, we mustn't forget that there are people who unable to afford the things which has become necessities to us.

Parents always think of their child's wants, before their own, and wish to provide the best for their child. However, due to financial issues, it isn't always possible for them to fulfill their children's desires. If we are able to help them and contribute to helping our environment, why not?

Internal Collection is from now till 31st August 2011 @ Republic Polytechnic Collection Point

The items collected will be given to low income families, followed by RP staff and students. ( The rest of it will be given to the Salvation Army, or are recycled)

Home Collection Service (for more than 10 NTUC plastic bags of contributions) - sign up by 31st August (Wednesday)

For RP staff and students to sign up:

For Public to sign up:

Please help to forward this email to your friends, family or contacts to see if they would like to contribute as well and support this meaningful cause!

Welcome Tea 2011

For this year's welcome tea, we have Lim Yuan Yi to organize the event, with support from the seniors and year 2s. We had a video, a speech, food and fun games and activities prepared for them.

The video was done by Yu Lin. She had just started working on the video 1 month before the actual day. It wasn't easy to make a video as you need to match it with words, music, background sound and most importantly bring the message across. Even though in the end the video was not perfect, the effort and time she's willing to put in is something that most people admire and wish to possess.

A speech was done by Amy Choong (our advisor) and Lim Jing Kai ( Our head of public relation, 2010). Amy's speech is about why do we have Conservation IG, and why do we care about our environment (educational speech), while Jing Kai's speech is more related to what our IG had done in the past till the upcoming events. This year we also have our senior Alena Huang , Chew Yao Jie and Herman Seah to share their experience and what have they learnt in IG.

Fun Games and Activities
This year the games was planned by Louis Lee and Lim Yuan Yi. They prepared six games, but were only able to play three games due to time constraints (I guess we have to wait till TICE).

We hope that all of you enjoyed the games prepared by them~

I don't want to say this, but there is shortage of food~ I am very sorry about it, it is not that we are stingy about food. It's about food wastage, we always tried to control the amount of food wastage thus, it is important to inform us about your attendance so we can cater the right amount of food for you all~ ^.^

Background knowledge about food waste:

Food waste is one of Singapore's main problem in waste management. As it contains a lot of moisture, our incineration plant will have to put in more energy to burn all these food wastage.
(This contributes to waste of energy)

Everyone!!! Thanks for organizing and joining this welcome tea~ Hope you have enjoyed it like i did. Do join our IG and come for our meeting if you have not joined (don't be shy). n_n
the IG is not just about one person; it's about everyone. Everybody can have a part to play in treasuring the things around us. A little consideration from people, private sector and public could contributes great help for our nature.

~Let's Go Green Be Active~

SLA 2011

The annual "Student Life Activity(SLA)" is back again.

This year we have Joan Peh and Tan Siew Tang to help design our Conservation IG booth and gift, Lim Yuan Yi to design the bookmark and photo album, and Yeo Chee Hiong to make our SLA Video.

SLA Booth

Our designers have put in a lot of effort to complete this master piece. Even though, our booth design was simple, it has lots of tone and shading to brings out the vibrant colours of our nature.
(We also make a point to conserve our resources by keeping the designs after using and used blue tag instead of scotch tape, so that we can reuse the materials)

Photo Album

Photo Album designed by Lim Yuan Yi

This year we had a new idea to showcase our IG , that is to have a photo album which shows our IG's past year events. This photo album will serve to preserve the memories of each generation of Conservation IG activities and members.
Having so many events, it is a difficult task to consolidate and put it in the photo album when we are racing against the time. Even though we did not manage to put over hundreds photo inside it, our designer have made the effort to design the pages before putting the photos in.


The Bookmark idea was raised by Amy Choong (our Advisor) and improved by Lim Yuan Yi.
The design of bookmarks include environmental quotes, address of our IG blog and printed background.


Tan Siew Tang and Joan Peh have came up with the idea of having seeds in a used plastic cup and gift it to people whose willing to join our IG. The plastic cup and seed were placed within a bag made from magazine and gifted it to people whose wiling to join our IG. The idea of this gift is to allow us to see and appreciate whatever we have.(Everything around us has potential to be refused or recycled)

Our Crew

Thanks to all our IG members, this year we managed to get over 60 people to join. This means that there are still a lot of nature-lovers in RP, and they are willing to make a difference to improve our environment.

"To find joy in work is to discover a new fountain of youth" - Pearl S. Buck

Upcoming activities

TICE ECO-Camp – Sep to Oct
International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS) - Sep
Eco-Flea Market (EFM) – Nov to Dec
Conservation Week – Last week of June

Let’s All Start Making a Difference Today...
For a Better World Tomorrow!

IG outing during holiday

To facilitate bonding within the IG, we went on a bird monioring trip at Tampines Park, with a guide from NParks leading us on the trail, and teaching us about various parts of nature.

Although it's tire, but we all have an excited trip ~

“Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.

~Motto of the Baltimore Grotto, a caving society

Earth Hour 2011 (26th March)

Background Information:

Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change.

Which this year, we are cordially invited by Woodlands YEC to set up a booth at Woodlands WaterFront to celebrate this annual event.

“There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet.”