Internation Coastal Cleanup 2011

On 17th September, we had our yearly participations in International Coastal Cleanup Singapore(ICCS), at the Lim Chu Kang mangrove swamp. This time with new members joining us for ICCS.

Our Conservation IG members sacrificed one of their Saturdays morning to participate in International Coastal Cleanup where they help to make a difference to their environment and the habitats of the wildlife.

Debris from our waste such as styroform, oil drums, fish nets could lead to entanglement in marine life and also causing them to mistake our waste as food.

Weighing the trash collected

Not giving up to remove the huge tire
Huge thanks to everyone in helping to remove the debris from the mangrove.

Though there are not many barrels remove this year, but we still managed to remove 206.5 kg worth of trash. The amount of rubbish that was removed by volunteers in Singapore at each location can be view at Well done everyone in helping to protect our shoreline. Do join us next year for ICCS and help make our shoreline a cleaner place for eveyone.

1 Response
  1. Utba Says:

    Dear Conservation I. G. members,

    Hope this helps, seeing the amount of litter and waste generated each day.

    This blog was last posted 4 years back.

    Everyone is doing great! Thanks again for being environmentally conscious.
